The most dangerous road of all is the one called revenge.
In Episode 3 of the Thomas Mason x JKF Man series, our hero has crossed paths with a menacing man, a man of unimaginable force, a man not to be trifled with. But trifle we shall!
When his back’s against the wall will our man of courage find his prayers answered afresh by the immaculate skills of master craftsman Jakes Ldn and the power of Thomas Mason?!
Will it be enough to turn the tide? Will he prevail over this potent rival?
Clean out your ears and open your eye holes wide.
It’s about to go off….
I always had a feeling that this was perhaps going to be the trickiest cloth to style out in this series. The previous two; the Oxford and the Marcella, are both pretty straightforward in terms of the colours we went for and the occasions in which I imagined them being used.
The Downing however worried me. Personally, I feel more at ease with hardwearing fabrics like an Oxford or even a chambray and was curious how a poplin cotton, with a relatively silky handle would drape and fit. Needless to say any doubts or fears were expunged upon the opening of the Downing swatch book.
I wanted to have fun with these shirts as well so opted for 3 ‘candy’ coloured versions in pink, green and the yellow, which is the shirt styled in this Video.
The shirts were once again beautifully made up by Jakes Ldn and that little extra room he cuts his patterns with pays off with how I wanted this look to feel; put together but not too buttoned up.
I paired the shirt with a PoW linen jacket from Trunk Tailors, off white jeans from Levis, a webbed leather belt via Drake’s, a stone coloured rain coat from Grenfell, pink socks and beret courtesy of AWMS and Morjas loafers on the feet.
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