The thread of the Thomas Mason story starts with Silver, the 100/2 colour-woven poplin, whose name is synonymous with preciousness, brilliant whiteness and purity. It epitomises the classic striped and checked English shirt, with its exceptional handle, colour vibrancy and durability.
Silver, a historic item that has always been featured in the Jermyn Street shop windows, is a cornerstone of Thomas Mason collection since 1796.
Cotonificio Albini S.p.A. - Via Dr. Silvio Albini 1, 24021 Albino (BG) – Italy
Società con unico socio - diretta e coordinata da Albini Group S.p.A.
P.I. 01884530161 - C.F. 08743540158 - Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Bergamo - REA 244649
Capitale sociale sottoscritto e versato € 11.170.960