Regent is a rich poplin with 2/100 warp and 1/70 weft that produces vibrant incisive stripes, whether classic or more colorfoul, sometimes with contrasting tones to enhance the chromatic combinations. Regent embodies the elegance and boldness of Thomas Mason’s style, thanks to his combination of different shades of color and stripes.
Cotonificio Albini S.p.A. - Via Dr. Silvio Albini 1, 24021 Albino (BG) – Italy
Società con unico socio - diretta e coordinata da Albini Group S.p.A.
P.I. 01884530161 - C.F. 08743540158 - Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Bergamo - REA 244649
Capitale sociale sottoscritto e versato € 11.170.960