To all our customers, collaborators, friends and readers,
In many ways, this is far from the perfect time to be launching a new editorial platform for Thomas Mason, one of our most treasured brands here at Albini. But, as the old saying goes, adversity is the mother of invention.
We have been working on this new website for several months, and while there is much uncertainty in the world at present, we are very excited to be sharing the outcome of our efforts with you, and to showcase Thomas Mason in a new, dynamic light. Innovation is at the heart of what we do as company, and at the heart of the fabrics we design and create, so this platform is there to bring you uplifting stories and showcase talented people doing brilliant things.
We hope the heritage and living values of Thomas Mason will foster our common positive thinking, also in these challenging days. We wish, above all, that you enjoy immersing yourself in the world of Thomas Mason, and that it brings you some welcome relief as we all come together to work through the next few months.
Happy reading and our very best wishes to you,
Stefano, Fabio and Andrea, the Albini family.
Cotonificio Albini S.p.A. - Via Dr. Silvio Albini 1, 24021 Albino (BG) – Italy
Società con unico socio - diretta e coordinata da Albini Group S.p.A.
P.I. 01884530161 - C.F. 08743540158 - Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Bergamo - REA 244649
Capitale sociale sottoscritto e versato € 11.170.960